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Response Management E-Commerce Registration E-marketing and Communications Information Management
What we do

eRSVP.com is the leading web registration and response management solution for event planners and meeting professionals. Our patent pending technology gives you an ASP-style application with which to coordinate promotion, events, meetings and registrations.

eRSVP makes it fast and easy to put your events on the web! Just click through your personal eRSVP.com management website to create a front-to-back system for reservations, surveys, ticketing and donations. It's an empowering tool — an instant web presence for each event or meeting you plan.

Send invitations via email whenever you wish and however you wish. Want to send a paper invitation? Just include the event web address you create with eRSVP. As attendees register on your custom web registration page, you collect key attendee preferences, RSVPs, and fees, as well as professional, contact and billing information.

  • Reduce the time and costs of organizing an event registration.
  • Leverage the Internet to streamline your event registration.
  • Event registration from a simple to a comprehensive registration solution.
  • Capture accurate information you want.
  • Increase your event ROI.
  • Manage and build your attendee profile.
  • Generate reports and expand the invitation list for your next event.

See how it works!

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